LeadershipTeam Map®

The LeadershipTeam Map® is a value creation methodology that translates alignment into actionable business decisions.
It combines confidential interviews, data, and psychometrical elements, statistically validated with hundreds of Leadership Team respondents from European SMEs and large corporates.

The LeadershipTeam Map® focuses on the Leadership Team as a whole and it does not measure aspects of anyone’s personality or skills.

  1. It aligns Leadership Team members
  2. It aligns Leadership Team and Board
  3. It identifies the most sensitive levers of value creation
  4. It spots what the Leadership Team urgently needs to talk about

Our workflow

Tailored to client’s governance and context.

  • Intake with CEO or Founder + active Investor or Board member
  • Anonymous questionnaire
  • 1-to-1 interviews
  • Debrief with CEO or Founder + active Investor or Board member
  • Intervention with the Leadership Team


Examples of actionable strategic takeaways.

In blue, how the Leadership Team is currently focusing on the enablers of value creation. In red, the expectations of the Leadership Team on those enablers. In green, the expectations of the Board on those enablers.
Example of “zoom in” for each enabler of value creation.
Example of qualitative indicators, based on governance and time related levers.